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Java Multiple Choice Questions for Experts - 44

Question: 1

(A) 10
(B) 11
(C) 12
(D) Compilation Error

Level: Expert Category of MCQ: datatype

Question: 2

(A) Left Shift Operator
(B) Right Shift Operator
(C) Zero Fill Right Shift
(D) Zero Fill Left Shift

Level: Expert Category of MCQ: operators

Question: 3

(A) 5
(B) 510
(C) 5100
(D) Compilation Error

Level: Expert Category of MCQ: switch

Question: 4

(A) 5
(B) 510
(C) 5100
(D) 100

Level: Expert Category of MCQ: switch

Question: 5

(A) 10
(B) 510
(C) 5100
(D) 100

Level: Expert Category of MCQ: switch

Question: 6

(A) Compilation Error
(B) 10-even-
(C) 10-even-0
(D) 10-odd

Level: Expert Category of MCQ: switch

Question: 7

(A) Compilation Error
(B) 10-even-
(C) 10-odd-
(D) 10-even-0

Level: Expert Category of MCQ: switch

Question: 8

(A) "cpp''buzz"
(B) "cpp''buzz"
(C) cpp''buzz
(D) Compilation Error

Level: Expert Category of MCQ: other

Question: 9

(A) 0
(B) 10"-10"
(C) 10-10
(D) Compilation Error

Level: Expert Category of MCQ: variables

Question: 10

(A) 30
(B) 1020
(C) 10+10+10
(D) 1010+10

Level: Expert Category of MCQ: variables

Question: 11

(A) a b c d e
(B) abcde
(C) 97 98 99 100 101
(D) 65 66 67 68 69

Level: Expert Category of MCQ: arrays

Question: 12

(A) a b c d e
(B) 96 97 98 99 101
(C) 65 66 67 68 69
(D) None of the above

Level: Expert Category of MCQ: arrays

Question: 13

(A) 63321
(B) 36
(C) 33
(D) 12336

Level: Expert Category of MCQ: methods

Question: 14

(A) 123456789
(B) 12345678
(C) 122
(D) None of the above

Level: Expert Category of MCQ: methods

Question: 15

(A) 1234.00
(B) 1234.34
(C) 1234
(D) Exception

Level: Expert Category of MCQ: typecasting

Question: 16

(A) 10.0
(B) 10
(C) error: loss precision
(D) Exception

Level: Expert Category of MCQ: typecasting

Question: 17

(A) 10.0000f
(B) 10.0000
(C) 10.00
(D) 10.0

Level: Expert Category of MCQ: typecasting

Question: 18

(A) 10
(B) 10.00
(C) 10.87
(D) NumberFormatException

Level: Expert Category of MCQ: typecasting

Question: 19

(A) 10.87
(B) 10.00
(C) 10
(D) error:possible loss of precision

Level: Expert Category of MCQ: typecasting

Question: 20

(A) 10.87
(B) 10.870000
(C) 10.8700
(D) 10.00

Level: Expert Category of MCQ: typecasting

Question: 21

(A) Code runs but nothing is printed
(B) Code runs in infinite loop
(C) error: Main method not found
(D) Exception

Level: Expert Category of MCQ: classesAndobjects

Question: 22

(A) -null-
(B) - -
(C) --
(D) java.lang.NullPointerException

Level: Expert Category of MCQ: methods

Question: 23

(A) Compilation Error
(B) Exception
(C) --
(D) - -

Level: Expert Category of MCQ: methods

Question: 24

(A) 77
(B) 78
(C) 79
(D) 710

Level: Expert Category of MCQ: methods

Question: 25

(A) 7
(B) 8
(C) 9
(D) 10

Level: Expert Category of MCQ: methods

Question: 26

(A) Cap Cog
(B) Cap Cap
(C) Cog Cog
(D) Cap Cog Cap Cog

Level: Expert Category of MCQ: classesAndobjects

Question: 27

(A) Cap Cog
(B) Cap Cap
(C) Cog Cog
(D) Cap Cog Cap Cog

Level: Expert Category of MCQ: classesAndobjects

Question: 28

(A) 10203040
(B) 10203040Hello
(C) Hello
(D) None of these

Level: Expert Category of MCQ: classesAndobjects

Question: 29

(A) 10203040
(B) 10203040Hello
(C) Hello
(D) Nothing is printed

Level: Expert Category of MCQ: classesAndobjects

Question: 30

(A) null
(B) Nothing is printed
(C) Exception
(D) Compilation Error

Level: Expert Category of MCQ: classesAndobjects

Question: 31

(A) Ash
(B) Ashxyz
(C) Nothing is printed
(D) AshxyzabcImn

Level: Expert Category of MCQ: switch

Question: 32

(A) 65 & Infinite loop
(B) 65
(C) Nothing is printed
(D) Compilation Error

Level: Expert Category of MCQ: methods

Question: 33

(A) 12345
(B) 1234
(C) Compilation Error
(D) ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException

Level: Expert Category of MCQ: arrays

Question: 34

(A) Yes
(B) No

Level: Expert Category of MCQ: abstractclass

Question: 35

(A) O(1)
(B) O(n)
(C) O(log(n))
(D) None of these

Level: Expert Category of MCQ: collection

Question: 36

(A) O(n)
(B) O(1)
(C) O(log(n))
(D) None of these

Level: Expert Category of MCQ: collection

Question: 37

(A) HashTable
(B) EnumSet
(C) Vector
(D) ArrayList

Level: Expert Category of MCQ: collection

Question: 38

(A) Autoboxing
(B) Morphing
(C) Unboxing
(D) Typecasting

Level: Expert Category of MCQ: other

Question: 39

(A) Singletons
(B) Java Beans
(C) Transactions
(D) None of the above

Level: Expert Category of MCQ: classesAndobjects

Question: 40

(A) Exception
(B) Throwable
(C) JavaBase
(D) Error

Level: Expert Category of MCQ: exceptions

Question: 41

(A) NumberFormatException
(B) IllegalArgumentException
(C) RuntimeException
(D) ParseException

Level: Expert Category of MCQ: exceptions

Question: 42

(A) Anonymous inner class
(B) Interface
(C) Inner class
(D) All of the mentioned

Level: Expert Category of MCQ: classesAndobjects

Question: 43

(A) 5 10
(B) 5 10 CppBuzz1
(C) 5 10 CppBuzz2
(D) Compilation Error

Level: Expert Category of MCQ: exceptions

Question: 44

(A) Hello. How are you?Hello. How are you?
(B) Hello. How are you?
(C) Hello. How are you??
(D) Compilation/RuntimeError

Level: Expert Category of MCQ: arrays

Browse Java Categories

Datatype Variables Operators Decision Making Loops Methods Reference Variables Arrays Classes and Objects Abstract Class Singleton Class Modifiers Inheritance Overriding Polymorphism Abstraction Encapsulation Files and I/O TypeCasting Packages Exceptions Collections Framework Numbers Class Date & Time Regular Expressions Data Structures Interfaces Multithreading Other